As I've been preparing for Wednesday's webinar for aspiring authors, I've been thinking about how many of us don't realize the power of our story and experiences.

Can I tell you about the time when I stopped underestimating my story? When I published my first book in 2015, I downplayed it, and didn't think my story was a big deal. My new book was such a small deal to me that I was only planning to release an e-book with no plans of printing paperback copies. (Besides, it was only 12,000 words, and not substantial enough to release as a physical book, I thought.) Things started to change, however, when my friends and family began requesting paperback copies of the book. I obliged and sold out of 200 paperback copies in just two weeks, and during the pre-sale phase, my e-book hit top 10 on three international lists! A week or so before the release date, a writer from Black Enterprise Magazine contacted me and requested an interview. I was featured in this publication twice in one month. Here is the first article where I spoke about the importance of sharing our stories. That month, I also received an email from General Motors requesting me to be an influencer and create content at the Stellar Gospel Music Awards in Vegas, all expenses paid. My book got into the hands of non-profit and ministry leaders who requested me to speak. Directors of group and healing homes for women contracted me to implement the book's curriculum in their recovery programs. (By this time, my small book was generating several income streams and impacting hundreds of people.) Pastors, business owners, and community leaders liked my writing style and wanted me to help them write books as well. Domestic violence advocates started sharing my books with survivors of abuse.
My "little book" ended up being a BIG DEAL. That's when I decided to stop underestimating myself and my voice. Since that time eight years ago, I've coached hundreds of authors who shared my same initial thinking. Many people underestimate the importance of their stories and the power of their voices. Today, promise yourself that this will not be you. I hope you know how important your voice and story are. On Wednesday night I'm hosting a free webinar called Write & Publish Your Book. This webinar is for anyone with a desire to write a book that will impact lives and would like practical help. Learn to
Identify the important parts of your story.
Determine which publishing path to take.
Develop a plan to fill your pages and finish your book.
Prepare your mindset to publish and profit from your book.