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Rankontre Antrenè Istwa Ou: Natasha Brown Watson
Chè Vizyonè,
Mèsi paske w te konsidere Write Speak Increase Academy. Kou yo ofri yo konbine bon konprann ak estrateji mwen te genyen nan 20 ane ki sot pase yo kòm yon Piblikatè, jounalis, konsiltan kominikasyon, antrenè istwa, otè ak ghostwriter ki te vann nan start-ups, selebrite, ministè, ak òganizasyon ki pa pou pwofi yo. Pasyon mwen se ede vizyonè tankou ou pataje istwa ki chanje lavi pandan y ap kreye yon eritaj dirab pou tèt ou ak fanmi ou.
Kòm yon pwofesè pa nati, mwen te kreye pwogram sa a ak yon konsantre pèsonèl sou bay aprantisaj pratik. Objektif mwen se non sèlman ede ou ekri ak pibliye yon liv, men pou pèmèt ou kreye nouvo avni richès lè l sèvi avèk pi gwo byen ou, vwa ou ak kado Bondye bay anndan ou. Mwen espere travay avèk ou.
Natasha Brown Watson, MS, M.Div.
Apostle Michael A. Freeman
"Thank you for your consistent diligence to ensure that I get this important word out to the world...>

Thank you for your consistent diligence to ensure that I get this important word out to the world. The unmeasurable hours you have given to this project is forever appreciated."
Dr. DeeDee
"Thank you Natasha Brown for helping me pen my words.
You are phenomenal!."

"Thank you Natasha Brown for helping me pen my words.
You are phenomenal!."
James Fortune
"I am forever grateful... >

"I had never written a book before and I didn't even know where to start, but after discussing my vision and ideas with you, you were able to guide me in the right direction. I am forever grateful.
Tressa "Azarel" Smallwood
"Natasha is a ghostwriting guru. A lot of the big time books that I've been able to put out for people, Natasha has been the person behind the scenes writing them. >

She is a fabulous ghostwriter.
Carl Sharperson, Jr.

"Superior resource for the entire process of writing and publishing... >
Natasha is a superior resource and book coach for the entire process of writing and publishing a book. She was mine, check it out.
Natasha M. Brown
"I never envisioned myself to be an author, but you did. I had so many ideas, and you brought them full circle in such a short amount of time... >

"To my book coach and publisher, Natasha T. Brown, thank you for believing in me and taking this journey with me. I remember praying for help in the morning and finding your page in the afternoon. It was God-sent. Thank you for believing in me and for keeping me focused whenever I wanted to veer off path. I never envisioned myself to be an author, but you did. I had so many ideas, and you brought them full circle in such a short amount of time.
Biyografi Natasha a
Natasha Brown Watson, MDiv., MS. se yon otè # 1 ki pi vann, piblikatè, pwofesè Bib, ak misyonè ki rele nan mache a ak misyon mondyal. Li se Direktè Jeneral ELOHAI International Publishing & Media, fondatè 10 Blessings Inspiration, yon sipò vyolans domestik san bi likratif, ak yon mobilizateur lapriyè nan We Who Dwell Faith Network. Li te ekri plis pase 30 liv pou lidè kretyen yo e li te antrene plizyè santèn otè depi li te antre nan espas piblikasyon an 2015. Li se otè liv ki te vann 10 benediksyon trayizon ak absans twòp. Anvan yo te pibliye, Natasha te yon kominikatè antrepriz, stratèj mak, ak piblisite ki te bay estrateji ak kontni pou selebrite, atis, ak biznis.
Jodi a, Natasha konsantre sou avanse wayòm Bondye a atravè disip, evanjelizasyon, ansèyman Bib la, ak pataje istwa enpòtan, ki santre sou misyon.
Konekte avèk li nan @natashatwatson on Instagram.