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Write & Pray Journal: A Daily Christian Journal to Write Prayer Priorities, Answered Prayers, Gratitude, Reflection, and Intercession


We have various journals, both spiral and paperback.

Spiral notebooks have the green and yellow nature cover - 125 pages.

Paperback journals are available in all 4 cover designs- 200 pages



Are you ready to write and pray?


You have been called by God to pray for your family, community, nation, and future. Journaling your prayer journey is a spiritual discipline that will build your faith, confirm how God moves in the lives of you and those you pray for, and activate your discernment and ability to hear from God more clearly. As you write and pray in the months ahead, you will grow in gratitude as God's promises are illuminated in your life and those you know.


This Journal includes space to write and pray

Prayer Priorities

Answered Prayers



Prayers for Others, and

Revelation from Holy Spirit


Memory Verses are included on your prayer priorities pages. Declaring and memorizing these scriptures will position you to receive the promises attached to your prayer life.

Daily prayer journal pages can be used during your prayer, study, or worship time. Note the date, scripture, what God is saying to you and how you will, are, or did respond to what you received from the Lord. Use these pages for journaling, Bible study notes, or sermon notes as needed.

In the back, you will find several pages entitled "My Written Prayers for Others." Our hope is that you will write heartfelt, scripture-based, Holy Spirit-led prayers for people in your community.

Reflection pages are included at the end of the journal as a place to note big ideas, revelations, and prayer moments that you want to recall at a later date.

Remember to document your journey with the Lord, and trust that as you write and pray, God will meet you right where you are and show you great and mighty things that you have yet to know (Jeremiah 33:3).


Love & Blessings,


Natasha Brown Watson

Write & Pray Journal by Natasha Brown Watson

14,99$ Prix original
12,99$Prix promotionnel
Select a Cover
    • Write & Pray Journal has 5 different options/covers, including the Write & Pray Journal for Men (Shield & Sword) and the Spiral Journal
    • Paperback, Matte Finish/Spiral 
    • 200 Pages or 125 pages (Spiral Notebook) 
    • 7X10 - 1 pound 
    • Published by ELOHAI International Publishing & Media
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