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This is a crash course in book writing for non-fiction authors... Our 5-Day Book Writing Challenge begins by helping you commit to your process, structure your book, and develop an outline that will work for you.


Learn to: 

  • Outline Your Book 
  • Develop Your Plot 
  • Create Chapter Structures 
  • Identify the Major Themes of Your Book 
  • Title Your Book to Attract your Ideal Reader 
  • Build a Movement from your Book 
  • Add Creative Writing Style to Make your Book a Pageturner 
  • Stay committed to your writing process to finish your book


Each training offers writing and organization techniques and guides to help you determine the best chapter guide to follow.


If you have been distracted, discouraged, or suffering from writer's block this 5-part training will help you get unstuck to finally write your non-fiction book with style.


5-Module Book Writing Course

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